Other partner businesses of the Guest Card

Other partner businesses of the Guest Card

GC Bregenzerwald & Großes WalsertalGC Bregenzerwald & Großes Walsertal
Reduced with guest cardWith the Guest Card Bregenzerwald & Großes Walsertal you also receive a discount at these partner businesses.
Museums & Exhibitions 2024
  • Alpenstadt Bludenz Tourismus
    T +43 (0)5552 63621-790 | www.bludenz.travel
    Free guided tour of the town with a trip to the tower
    € 8 discount on the normal price for the Nachtwächterführung (Night Watchman Tour)
    € 8 discount on the normal price for the Theater-Stadtführung (Theatre City Tour)
  • Angelika Kauffmann Museum Schwarzenberg
    T +43 (0)5512 26455 | www.angelika-kauffmann.com
    10 % reduction on single admission
  • Museum of Baroque Master Builders
    T +43 (0)5515 25561| www.barockbaumeister.at
    10 % discount on admission
  • biosphärenpark.haus Sonntag
    T + 43 (0)5554 20010 | www.grosseswalsertal.at
    10 % discount on the purchase of farm ice cream
    € 2 discount on the normal price for the guided tour with tasting
  • Frauenmuseum Hittisau
    T +43 (0)5513 29537 | www.frauenmuseum.at
    € 1 off on single admission
  • inatura – nature show in Dornbirn
    T +43 (0)5572 23235-0 | www.inatura.at
    10 % reduction on admission fee
  • Juppenwerkstatt Riefensberg
    T+43 (0)5513 8356-15 | www.juppenwerkstatt.at
    10 % discount on admission and tour
  • Dornbirn Manger Museum
    T +43 (0)5572 200632 | www.krippenmuseum-dornbirn.at
    € 0.50 off tickets for adults
  • Mohrenbräu Biererlebniswelt Dornbirn
    T +43 (0)5572 3777-0 | www.mohrenbrauerei.at
    € 2 off the normal price
  • Museum Großes Walsertal Sonntag
    M +43 (0)664 1921815 | www.walsermuseum.at
    Admission free
  • Propstei St. Gerold
    T +43 (0)5550 2121 | www.propstei-stgerold.at
    50 % discount on the normal price for the guided tour of the provostry, including aperitif in the historic wine cellar
  • Rhein-Schauen Museum und Rheinbähnle Lustenau
    T +43 (0)5577 20539 | www.rheinschauen.at
    10 % reduction on admission fee for museum and train journey
  • Rolls-Royce Automobilmuseum Dornbirn
    T +43 (0)5572 386693 | www.rolls-royce-automobil-museum.at
    10 % reduction on admission fee
  • Dornbirn City Museum
    T +43 (0)5572 306-4911 | www.stadtmuseum.dornbirn.at
    10 % reduction on admission fee
  • vorarlberg museum Bregenz
    T +43 (0)5574 46050 | www.vorarlbergmuseum.at
    € 2 discount on the regular admission
  • Werkraum Bregenzerwald Andelsbuch
    T +43 (0)5512 26386 | www.werkraum.at
    € 1 reduction on single admission
Train and alpine bus 2024
  • Alpine buses in the Große Walsertal
    10 % discount on the trip
  • Seewaldsee Bummelzug Fontanella
    10 % discount on the trip
  • Wälderbähnle – museum railway
    M +43 (0)664 4662330 | www.waelderbaehnle.at
    € 1 off tickets for adults (off the normal price)
Baths and swimming pools 2024
  • Aquaria adventure pool
    T +49 (0)8386 93130 | www.aquaria.de
    10 % discount on regular adult or family prices
  • das stadtbad – indoor pool Dornbirn
    T +43 (0)5572 22687 | www.stadtbad.at
    10 % reduction on single admission for the bathing area
  • Enz forest pool
    M +43 (0)676 833068790 | www.waldbadenz.at
    10 % reduction on individual admission fee
Cable cars and boat trips 2024
  • Jöchelspitzbahn Bach
    T +43 (0)5634 6207 | www.lechtaler-bergbahnen.at
    50 % reduction on the normal price
  • Karrenseilbahn Dornbirn
    T +43 (0)5572 22140 | www.karren.at
    10 % reduction on single trips daily rates
  • Gapfohl summer toboggan run and chairlift
    T +43 (0)5526 252 | www.laterns.net
    10 – 20 % reduction depending on the type of tariff
  • Vorarlberg Lines Lake Constance shipping
    T +43 (0)5574 42868 | www.vorarlberg-lines.at
    10 % reduction on the Adult fare of a tour of Bregenz bay, panorama trip
Outdoor, sports and entertainment 2024
  • Schröcken adventure park
    M +43 (0)664 2525200 | www.abenteuerpark.net
    € 2 discount off the total price
  • Aktiv-Zentrum Bregenzerwald
    M +43 (0)676 7837878 | www.aktiv-zentrum.at
    Aqua rope course: € 2 off the normal price
    Canoe and guided cave tours: € 3 off the normal price
  • Bregenzerwald flying school
    M +43 (0)664 5127765 | www.gleitschirmschule.at
    € 10 reduction on tandem flight
  • Funworld – Bowling, Billard, Lasertag, Restaurant
    M +43 (0)664 1557067 | www.funworld-hard.at
    10 % reduction on Bowling, Billard, Lasertag
  • HIGH 5 Lingenau
    T +43 (0)5513 4140 | www.outdoor.at
    10 % reduction
  • Indoor Boulderpark „Klimmerei“ Bürs
    M +43 (0)680 3334886 | www.klimmerei.at
    Student rate instead of normal price
  • Herbal walk – Alpe Stafel with Christiane Martin
    T +43 (0)5554 5150 | www.walsertal.at
    € 6 discount on the regular price
  • Herbal walk – rough pasture with Ilga Bickel
    T +43 (0)5554 5150 | www.walsertal.at
    € 6 discount on the regular price
  • Ländle Escape Room Bludenz
    M +43 (0)670 5599655 | www.laendle-escape.at
    15 % reduction on admission fee
  • Forest bathing – wellness in the forest in Damüls
    T +43 (0)5510 620 | www.damuels.at
    € 2 discount on the regular price
  • Damüls forest rope course
    M +43 (0)664 4147137 | www.das-seil.at
    10 % discount off the normal price
Sports shops and stores 2024
    Shop Mellau: T +43 (0)5574 6431731 | Shop Egg: T +43 (0)5574 6431721 | www.panto.at
    € 5 discount on purchases in excess of € 50 (per person)
  • Sport Fuchs Au
    T +43 (0)5515 2315 | www.sportfuchs.com
    10 % reduction on cycle hire (min. 3 days)
  • Rössle Sport Faschina
    T +43 (0)5510 303 | www.roessle.info
    10 % reduction on cycle hire (min. 3 days)
Culinary highlights 2024
  • Löwen Mountain Distillery and Inn
    T +43 (0)5515 25964 | www.bergbrennerei-loewen.at
    Free admission to the tour of the building and distillery (Thur and Fri)
    including tasting and small surprise
  • KäseStrasse Bregenzerwald Lingenau
    T +43 (0)5513 42870-41 | www.kaesestrasse.at
    One piece of Bregenzerwälder mountain cheese free with purchases from € 30
  • Sabine und Xaver Bio Gourmet Manufaktur Raggal
    M +43 (0)650 9753485 | www.sabineundxaver.com
    € 2 discount on normal price for presentation and tasting (organic biscuits and coffee)