Festungsmuseum Heldsberg

Festungsmuseum Heldsberg

The Heldsberg artillery factory near St.Margrethen is a very special excursion experience. From the 2nd World War until 1993 it was part of the border fortification in the Rhine Valley.
Due to its location, it controlled the southern end of Lake Constance with its four 7.5 cm fortress guns in the north and the Rhine crossings in the Rhine valley to Montlingen in the south.
The barrier at the junction near Altstätten secured the transition to Appenzellerland.
The Heldsberg fortress museum now also offers the impressive underground command bunker of Grenzbrigade 8, Haslen AI, which deals with the "Cold War" period in over 30 rooms.
In the Heldsbergstube and in the Soldatenstube "Kästlis" Haslen, you will be spoiled with drinks and food. Changing special exhibitions enrich the military-historical museums.

Further information: www.festung.ch

Adults: CHF 15.00 (with audio guide)
Students (6 - 16 years): CHF 9.00 (with audio guide)

With guided tour (by appointment) adults: CHF 15.00
Pupils (6 - 16 years): CHF 7.50
Minimum charge: CHF 180.00

Our museum is open during the winter months on the following Saturdays from 10 am to 4 pm.
14 Dec. 2019
Jan 25, 2020.
Feb. 15, 2020

From April 4, 2020 to October 31, 2020 every Saturday is open again.
Important: The Heldsberg Fortress Museum, the Stoss Barrier and the Border Brigade 8 Command Bunker in Haslen, AI are open year-round for registered groups.
The minimum charge is now CHF 180.00 on all days.