To the Plansott Alpe | St. Gerold

Distance12,8 km

Elevation gain663 m

Negative altitude663 m


Duration2:15 h

Distance12,8 km

Elevation gain663 m


Duration2:15 h

A short moment

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To the Plansott Alpe | St. Gerold

From St. Gerold briefly along the main road before the road branches off to the left. From here, over the Plankenberg, always follow the course of the road in the direction of Plansott Alpe. At the top, after a short break, the same route leads you back to St. Gerold.


Mountain bike, helmet, rain or sun protection, small snacks and sufficient water. Mobile phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: St. Gerold

End: St. Gerold

St. Gerold - Plankenberg - Plansott Alpe - same route back


  • Scenic
  • Out and back

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)