Obere Furkla - Elser Fürkele - Muttersberg | Bludenz

Distance12,9 km

Elevation gain1282 m

Negative altitude570 m


Duration6:15 h

Distance12,9 km

Elevation gain1282 m


Duration6:15 h

A short moment

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Obere Furkla - Elser Fürkele - Muttersberg | Bludenz

The start of this tour is the valley station of the Muttersberg cable car. From here, descend briefly to the moated castle and turn left there. After a short stretch in the forest, the hiking trail branches off in the direction of Untere and Obere Furkla. The path now always leads through the forest and across lush flower meadows up to the Obere Furkla.  On the Obere Furkla a sensational view opens up in the direction of Bludenz, Walgau and Rätikon. From here, continue uphill over a rather steep grassy slope towards Elser Fürkele. The grassy slope now turns into more rugged and rocky terrain and leads up to the Elser Fürkele via a steep path. From Elser Fürkele, the path leads across alpine pastures down to Alpe Els. During the summer months it is worthwhile to stop at the Alpe Els. From Alpe Els follow the forest road in the direction of Tiefenseesattel. A short stretch can be shortened via a footpath before the tour leads back via the road directly to the mountain station of the Muttersberg cable car. The Muttersberg cable car then takes you comfortably back down into the valley to the starting point.

Author's recommendation

During the summer months it is worthwhile to stop at the Alpe Els.


Ankle-high mountain boots with treaded soles, sun and rain protection, snack, filled water bottle and first aid kit. Hiking poles are recommended. Mobile phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Muttersberg Cable Car valley station, Bludenz

End: Muttersberg Cable Car mountain station, Bludenz

Muttersberg cable car valley station - moated castle - forest & meadow path in the direction of Obere Furkla - Obere Furkla - trail in the direction of Elser Fürkele - Elser Fürkele - Alpe Els - goods path in the direction of Tiefenseesattel - Tiefenseesattel - hiking trail or goods path - Muttersberg cable car mountain station - descent with the Muttersberg cable car - Muttersberg cable car valley station.


  • Scenic
  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stops available
  • Cableway ascent/descent
  • Exposed sections
  • Secured passages

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)