2-Alps-Tour | St. Gerold

Distance15,8 km

Elevation gain757 m

Negative altitude747 m


Duration3:00 h

Distance15,8 km

Elevation gain757 m


Duration3:00 h

A short moment

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2-Alps-Tour | St. Gerold

The MTB tour starts at the municipal office in St. Gerold. From there, the route leads over the Gaßnerberg up to the Gaßner Alpe. On an easy single trail, you circle the Hölltobel below the Gerenspitze and then reach the Plansott Alpe. The route back to St. Gerold is then gentle along the goods road.

Author's recommendation

At the far end of the Hölltobel (Platzgadena), the Gerenspitze invites you to a small summit climb.


Mountain bike, helmet, rain or sun protection as well as small food and sufficient water.

Route description

Start: Community centre, St. Gerold

End: Community centre, St. Gerold

Community centre, St. Gerold - Gaßnerberg - Gaßner Alpe - Platzgadena - Plansott Alpe - Plankenberg - community centre, St. Gerold


  • Singletrail/Free ride
  • Scenic
  • Round trip

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)